Not Sure What to Do with Your Basement Space? Check Out These Tips!


The average American house has almost doubled in size since the 1950s, reaching nearly 2,500 square feet. However, many of us are still not using all of that space to its fullest potential. The basement is one of the most commonly overlooked places in the home, but with a little bit of creativity, it’s possible to turn it into something useful. Check out these basement renovation tips for ideas on making the most of the same.

1. Turn It Into a Sports Room

If you’re a sports fan, basement renovation can be a great way to create your own personal sports room. Add in television and some comfortable seating, and you’ll have everything you need to watch the game in style. You can also add in a few extras, like a pool table or air hockey table, to really make the space feel like your own.

2. Create a Home Office

A basement office can be a great way to get some extra privacy if you work from home. Add in a desk, some comfortable chairs, and some shelves for your supplies, and you’ll be ready to go. You can even use the basement as a storage area for excess paperwork or office supplies.

3. Turn It Into Rentable Units

Turning your basement into rentable units can be a great way to make some extra money if you have the space. Add in a bedroom, a small kitchen, and a bathroom, and you’ll have everything you need. Just make sure that you check with your local government to ensure that you’re following all necessary regulations.

4. Set Up a Gym

Many people don’t have the money or space to set up a full-fledged gym in their homes. But the basement is the perfect place for a smaller workout area. You can install a few basic pieces of equipment, like a treadmill and some weights, and you’ll be good to go.

5. Create a Media Room

If you love watching movies or playing video games, a media room is the perfect way to spend your basement renovation dollars. Install a big-screen television, some comfortable seating, and a good sound system, and you’ll be able to enjoy hours of entertainment.

6. Create an Extra Bedroom

An extra bedroom can be a lifesaver if you have a growing family. And the basement is the perfect place to put it. Add in a bed, some dressers, and a desk, and you’ll be ready to go. Just make sure that you add enough ventilation to keep the space from getting too stuffy.

There are several different things that you can do with your basement space. With a little bit of creativity, you can turn it into something that perfectly suits your needs. So don’t be afraid to contact us and get started on your own basement renovation project today.